
Find Account Submit Payment Receipt

Business License Online Payment

To access your Business Registration account and make a payment on a pending balance due, please follow the instructions below by entering the characters shown, your account number and your PIN number. If you need assistance with your assigned PIN number, you may call 714/738-6531 or 714/738-5326 for details.
Enter the characters in the picture below.
code in image
Account #
Enter your business registration account #. This number can be found on your renewal form in the upper center section of the tax return or on your certificate in the upper right-hand corner.
Enter your online renewal PIN #. This number can be found on your renewal form in the renewal and payment section. The PIN # is above the entry box fields on the right side of the tax return and to the right of the renewal message area. Click here to have the PIN emailed to the primary contact's email on file.